Serenity in the Shadows

I grew up in a home blessed by the serenity prayer,

governed by a disciplinarian.

This prayer blessing served as a reminder of the darkness,

and it’s redemption program.

His darkness and her torture.

There is a devil somewhere, was it him or that liquid in his blood?

The two of them so very different creatures,

she said it was his fault and I always believed her,

and still do.

Although I loved him more than I will probably ever admit to loving her.

I was the love of his life, his angel child, saved from the chaos of a third world country –

delivered to the civilization of his small town.

Yes, the town, it was his, as he was the beloved senator.

He was…like the sociopath in a psychological thriller,

and she is his daughter.

He visited me in a dream,

his words broke my 28-year-old heart, I woke up sobbing.

Broke my heart like never before, not even through the unspeakable circumstances –

we won’t mention, you can imagine.

The serenity prayer, like Vegas lights flashed it’s face.

Their anthem, their reminder.

I inherited your darkness Grandpa

and your hysterics Mother, although neither of you live in my blood.


‘God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

courage to change the things I can,

wisdom to know the difference.’